About me

I am a results-oriented software developer with over a dozen years of experience providing analytical and creative software solutions utilizing Microsoft's .NET technology stack. I enjoy collaborating with team members across various business units to identify areas of opportunity and improvement in new and existing software applications. I’m highly motivated and seeking a new engineering firm to utilize my coding skills in creating meaningful software applications.

.NET Skills


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ASP.NET Framework

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Web Forms

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Visual Studio 2022

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Internet Information Services

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Azure App Service

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SQL Server 2022

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SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

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SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)

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Front End

  • Html5

  • CSS3

  • JavaScript

  • jQuery

  • Bootstrap

  • React JS (knowledge)

Softwares & platforms

  • Tableau

  • Postman

  • Umbraco CMS

  • GitHub Desktop

  • Microsoft Dynamics

Work Experience

Profit Recovery Partners (Jan 2015 - Present)
Software Developer
Profit Recovery Partners specializes in developing, implementing, and managing administrative expense reduction solutions. 

  • Designed, developed, and implemented a scalable web-based application called Intra. Intra provides internal users sets of user interfaces for data loading, management, conformance, and other tools for daily job functions. The application utilizes C#, ASP.NET Core, Web API, .NET 6, EF Core, Bootstrap, and jQuery.  

  • Designed, developed, and implemented a cloud-based web solution called Mobile Tracker. Mobile Tracker creates a workflow for our clients to prioritize wireless lines to determine which employee wireless lines are charged back to the employee. The application utilizes ASP.NET 6, Web APIs, Azure App Services, JWT, GitHub with CI/CD, Bootstrap, and jQuery.

  • Designed, developed, and implemented a web app called Invoice Approval System. The invoice Approval System helps clients maintain and recover FedEx shipment costs from their branch offices across the States. I built this web application with .NET Framework 4.8, ASP.NET Web Forms, AJAX, Bootstrap, jQuery, and Tableau dashboards. 

  • Improve and maintain a client-facing portal that houses all dashboards for our clients called Portal. This project ran off the Microsoft Access database in which I migrated all data to SQL Server and encrypted user password using SQL symmetric keys.

  • I maintained Tableau Server and dashboards. I have used Tableau API to extend dashboards for our clients to interact with PRP systems. I utilized the API to sync users between PRP and Tableau systems and secure trusted authentication between the web server and Tableau server.

  • Designed, created, and maintained various web scrapers using Selenium or APIs to download client data for analysis.

Home Franchise Concepts (Jan 2007 - Oct 2014)
.NET Programmer
Home Franchise Concepts is a home-based/small warehouse franchise company offering two home services categories: Budget Blinds and Tailored Living.

  • Led team to develop Ektron CMS web app for corporate and Franchisee owned micro-sites. Worked with multiple departments and outside vendors to help drive web traffic and leads to Corporate and Franchise websites.

  • Developed, implemented, and maintained a new web-based CRM system for Franchise owners while maintaining legacy web-based CRM.

  • Developed SQL databases, table structures, views, and stored procedures. Created and modified SSRS reports.

  • Performed daily tasks and other duties.

Environment: ASP.NET 2.0/3.5/4.5, C#, VisualBasic.NET, T-SQL, HTML, CSS, jQuery, Visual Studio.NET 2013, SQL Server 2008 R2, SSRS, Tortoise SVN.


DeVry University, Pomona, CA
Bachelor of Science, Computer Information Systems

Steven Vidaurrazaga

Providing analytical and creative software solutions.
Software Developer | ASP.NET Core | WebAPI | C# | SQL | JavaScript
Costa Mesa, CA

© Steven Vidaurrazaga, 2023