FedEx Invoice Approval

Project Background

I developed a web application called the Invoice Approval System which assists clients in managing and recovering FedEx shipping expenses from hundreds of branch offices throughout the United States.

The application solved a couple of pain points the AP Team had, such as time and money, because hundreds of emails were sent out weekly to branch admins, and the AP Team and Branch Admins dealt with approving those costs through email.

This application gave insight into branch FedEx costs using a visualization tool called Tableau for both parties. Branch admins could approve or dispute FedEx charges from the dashboard to their accounts or corporate accounts. For the AP team, they could override those charges, and we provided multiple dashboards to help solve their needs.

The project utilizes C#, .NET Framework 4.8, ASP.NET Web Forms, AJAX, Bootstrap, jQuery, and Tableau.

Steven Vidaurrazaga

Providing analytical and creative software solutions.
Software Developer | ASP.NET Core | WebAPI | C# | SQL | JavaScript
Costa Mesa, CA

© Steven Vidaurrazaga, 2023