
Project Background

I'm really proud of the business application I created! It's called Intra and it's powered by ASP.NET Core. One of the reasons it's so great is because it uses a database-first development approach. This makes it super efficient and fast! Plus, the architecture is really flexible so it can meet all kinds of different business needs.

Technical Summary

⚫️ C#
⚫️ ASP.NET Core 6
⚫️ Visual Studio 2022
⚫️ JavaScript/jQuery
⚫️ CSS/BootStrap
⚫️ DataTables JS

⚫️ Web API
⚫️ xUnit
⚫️ Postman
⚫️ T-SQL
⚫️ EF Core
⚫️ GitHub
⚫️ IIS

Heatmap UI

The Information Technology Practice Group utilizes Heatmap as a component of Intra.

Previously, the business analysts stored their heatmaps in Excel and desired a method of showcasing their analytical discoveries on Tableau dashboards for clients to access.

Through several iterations of this project, I have created a user interface that enables users to effortlessly access a summary heatmap with a rolling six-month report date. This interface also allows users to add notes to the summary, view details, export selected summaries, and even publish the summaries to Tableau dashboards.

Alternates UI

This web tool had undergone several iterations before being migrated to Intra. It all started as a classic Windows Forms app and a WPF desktop application.

This tool allows our Office Products practice group to manage their client's vendor alternates based on their contract.

This user interface provides information about products and their corresponding alternatives. Users have the ability to add or remove substitutes for any product they select.


Mobile View of Alternates
Detail View of a Selected Product Alternate. A user can add or remove alternates from the chosen product.
Drill-down in DataTables grid view. An alert is displayed when a user makes a change.
Full view modal showing the details of selected heatmaps.

Steven Vidaurrazaga

Providing analytical and creative software solutions.
Software Developer | ASP.NET Core | WebAPI | C# | SQL | JavaScript
Costa Mesa, CA

© Steven Vidaurrazaga, 2023